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Jones, John. The bathes of Bathes ayde...... 1572.
Jones, John. The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones, vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before…... 1572.
Baley, Walter. ... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke...... 1587.
Baley, Walter. ... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke...... 1587.
Byfield, Timothy. A short and plain account of the late-found Balsamick Wells at Hoxdon· And of…... 1687.
Cock, Thomas. Kitchin-physick: or, Advice to the poor... 1675.
Cock, Thomas. Kitchin-physick: or, Advice to the poor... 1676.
Cock, Thomas. Kitchin-physick: or, Advice to the poor... 1676.
Cock, Thomas. Kitchin-physick: or, Advice to the poor... 1676.
Cock, Thomas. Miscelanea medica, or, A supplement to kitchin-physick... 1675.
Tryon, Thomas. A discourse of waters. Shewing the particular natures, various uses, and wonderful operations both in…... 1696.
Turner, Robert. Mikrokosmografia. A description of the little-world, or, body of man, exactly delineating all the…... 1654.
Turner, Robert. Mikrokosmos· A description of the little-world. Being a discovery of the body of man…... 1654.
Venner, Tobias. The baths of Bathe: or, A necessary compendious treatise concerning the nature, vse and efficacie…... 1628.
Venner, Tobias. Via recta ad vitam longam.... 1637.
Venner, Tobias. Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A plain philosophicall demonstration of the nature, faculties, and…... 1638.
Venner, Tobias. Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner…... 1650.
Venner, Tobias. Via recta ad vitam longam. Or, A treatise wherein the right way and best manner…... 1660.
Vicary, Thomas. The English mans treasure: with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent…... 1596.
Vicary, Thomas. The English mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent…... 1613.
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by that excellent…... 1626.
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1633.
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasvre. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1641.
Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure, or treasor for Englishmen: vvith the true anatomye of mans body, compiled…... 1586.
Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure: with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent chirurgion…... 1587.