Books with the Person:
Windet, John
Number of books: 13As Printer:Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone... 1584
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1584
Wecker, Johann Jakob. A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but…... 1585
Wecker, Johann Jakob. A compendious chyrurgerie: gathered, & translated (especially) out of Wecker, at the request of certaine, but…... 1585
Bright, Timothy. A treatise of melancholy. Contayning the causes thereof, and reasons of the straunge effects it…... 1586
Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure, or treasor for Englishmen: vvith the true anatomye of mans body, compiled…... 1586
Kellwaye, Simon. A defensatiue against the plague: contayning two partes or treatises: the first, shewing the meanes…... 1593
Jorden, Edward. A briefe discourse of a disease called the suffocation of the mother. Written vppon occasion…... 1603
Hobbes, Stephen. A nevv treatise of the pestilence, containing the causes, signes, preseruatiues and cure thereof. The…... 1603
Levens, Peter. A right profitable booke for all diseases, called The pathway to health. Wherein are to…... 1608
City of London. Court of Aldermen, . Orders conceiued and agreed to be published, by the Lord Mayor and aldermen of the…... 1608
City of London. Court of Aldermen, . Orders conceiued and thought fit, asvvell by the Lord Maior of the City of London…... 1608
Partridge, John. The treasurie of hidden secrets. Commonlie called, The good-huswiues closet of prouision, for the…... 1608