Books with the Person:
Whitchurch, Edward
Number of books: 7As Printer:Goeurot, Jean. A new booke entyteled the regiment of lyfe: with a syngular Treatise of the pestilece…... 1543
Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of life. Newely perused, corrected, and enlarged…... 1544
Langton, Christopher. An introduction into phisycke, wyth an vniuersal dyet, gathered by Christofer Langton…... 1545
Goeurot, Jean. The kegiment [sic] of life, wherunto is added A treatyse of the pestilence, with the…... 1546
Langton, Christopher. A uery brefe treatise, ordrely declaring the pri[n]cipal partes of phisick, that is…... 1547
Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of life, whereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the boke…... 1550
As Publisher:Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of life, wherevnto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke…... 1560