Books with the Person:
Vicary, Thomas
Number of books: 11As Author:Vicary, Thomas. A profitable treatise of the anatomie of mans body: compyled by that excellent chirurgion, M…... 1577
Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure, or treasor for Englishmen: vvith the true anatomye of mans body, compiled…... 1586
Vicary, Thomas. The Englishemans treasure: with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent chirurgion…... 1587
Vicary, Thomas. The English mans treasure: with the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent…... 1596
Vicary, Thomas. The English mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans bodie: compiled by that excellent…... 1613
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by that excellent…... 1626
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1633
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasvre. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1641
Vicary, Thomas. The surgions directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds, and cures, &c. shewing, the excellencie…... 1651
Vicary, Thomas. The surgion’s directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds, and cures, &c. shewing, the excellencie…... 1651
Vicary, Thomas. The svrgions directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds and cures, &c. shewing, the excellency…... 1653