Books with the Person:
Royal College of Physicians of London
Number of books: 21As Author:Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Colledge of Physitians desireth only such new powers as may enable them to put…... 1622
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Kings medicines for the plague. Prescribed for the yeare 1604. by the whole Colledge…... 1630
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection…... 1636
Royal College of Physicians of London., . Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection…... 1636
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Kings medicines for the plague, prescribed for the yeare 1604. by the whole Colledge…... 1636
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague as for preventing the…... 1665
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Certain necessary directions, as well for the cure of the plague, as for preventing the…... 1665
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Having received from an excellent person a receipt of a sovereign water for the plague…... 1665
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Kings medicines for the plague. Prescribed in the year, 1604, by the whole Collodge…... 1665
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The King’s medicines for the plague. Prescribed for the year, 1604. by the whole Collodge…... 1665
Royal College of Physicians of London, . An exact account of all who are the present members of the King’s College of…... 1676
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI books. Translated into English for the…... 1682
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Answers to the objections against the college-bill…... 1689
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Pharmacopoeia Londinensis. Or, The new London dispensatory in VI. Books. Translated into English for the…... 1691
Royal College of Physicians of London, . Pharmacopœia Londinensis. Or, the New London dispensatory. In VI. books. Translated into English for the…... 1691
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians London: worthy to be perused by all men…... 1693
Royal College of Physicians of London, . A short state of the case between the physicians & surgeons. Relating to the surgeons bill…... 1695
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The catalogue of the fellows and other members of the Royal College of Physicians, London…... 1696
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The catalogue of the fellows and other members of the Royal College of Physicians, London…... 1696
Royal College of Physicians of London, . A short account of the proceedings of the College of Physicians, London, in relation to…... 1697
Royal College of Physicians of London, . The Statutes of the Colledge of Physicians London: worthy to be perused by all men…... 1698