Purfoot, Thomas

Number of books: 15

VIAF Lookup

As Bookseller:

Dariot, Claude. A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres. VVhereby euerye…... 1583

As Printer:

Indagine, Joannes ab. Briefe introductions, both natural, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancy, or manuel diuination…... 1575
Dariot, Claude. A breefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres. VVhereby euerye…... 1583
T., A.. A rich store-house or treasury for the diseased. Wherein, are many approued medicines for…... 1596
Lowe, Peter. The whole course of chirurgerie, wherein is briefly set downe the causes, signes, prognostications & curations…... 1597
Dariot, Claude. A briefe and most easie introduction to the astrologicall iudgement of the starres. Whereby the…... 1598
Indagine, Joannes ab. Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the arte of chiromancy, or manuell diuination…... 1598
[author not specified], . A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen... 1611
Lowe, Peter. A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition…... 1612
[author not specified], . A closet for ladies and gentlevvomen... 1614
Indagine, Joannes ab. Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable vnto the art of chiromancie, or Manuell diuination…... 1615
[author not specified], . A closet for ladies and gentlewoman... 1618
Indagine, Joannes ab. Briefe introductions, both naturall, pleasant, and delectable unto the art of chiromancie, or manuell diuination…... 1633
Bradwell, Stephen. Helps for suddain accidents endangering life. By which those that liue farre from physitions or…... 1633
Lowe, Peter. A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition…... 1634
Taylor, Thomas. An answer to that question, hovv farre it is lavvfull to flee in the time…... 1636

As Publisher:

T., A.. A rich store-house or treasury for the diseased. Wherein, are many approued medicines for…... 1596