Books with the Person:
Middleton, Henry
Number of books: 7As Printer:Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of lyfe, wherunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the booke…... 1567
Vigo, Giovanni da. The most excellent workes of chirurgerie, made and set foorthe... 1571
Jones, John. The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones, vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before…... 1572
Bright, Timothie. A treatise: wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases…... 1580
Bright, Timothie. A treatise: wherein is declared the sufficiencie of English medicines, for cure of all diseases…... 1580
Paracelsus, . A hundred and fourtene experiments and cures of the famous phisition Philippus Aureolus Theophrastus Paracelsus…... 1583
Cogan, Thomas. The hauen of health: chiefely gathered for the comfort of students, and consequently of all…... 1584