Books with the Person:
Lowe, Peter
Number of books: 5As Author:Lowe, Peter. An easie, certaine, and perfect method, to cure and preuent the Spanish sicknes. Wherby the…... 1596
Lowe, Peter. The whole course of chirurgerie, wherein is briefly set downe the causes, signes, prognostications & curations…... 1597
Lowe, Peter. A discourse of the whole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition…... 1612
Lowe, Peter. A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgerie. VVherein is exactly set downe the definition…... 1634
Lowe, Peter. A discourse of the vvhole art of chyrurgery. VVherein is exactly set down the definitions…... 1654