Books with the Person:
Jones, William
Number of books: 17As Bookseller:Jones, John. The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones, vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before…... 1572
Jones, John. A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing…... 1574
Jones, John. A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing…... 1574
Galen, . Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in…... 1574
Underwood, Robert. The little world. Or, A liuely description of all the partes and properties of man…... 1612
As Printer:Jones, John. A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing…... 1574
Cotta, John. A true discouery of the empericke with the fugitiue, physition and quacksaluer, who display their…... 1617
Cotta, John. A true discovery of the empericke with the fugitive, physition and quacksaluer, who display their…... 1617
Cotta, John. A short discouerie of seuerall sorts of ignorant and vnconsiderate practisers of physicke in England…... 1619
Banister, Richard. An appendent part of a treatise of ... diseases of the eyes... 1621
M., M.. An ease for a diseased man. Published for the instruction of those which are visited…... 1625
Herring, Francis. Certaine rules, directions, or advertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to…... 1625
Stanhope, Michael. Cures vvithout care, or A summons to all such who finde little or no helpe…... 1632
As Publisher:Jones, John. The bathes of Bathes ayde...... 1572
Jones, John. The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones, vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before…... 1572
Jones, John. A briefe, excellent, and profitable discourse, of the naturall beginning of all growing and liuing…... 1574
Galen, . Galens bookes of elementes, as they be in the epitome (whiche may very aptly, in…... 1574
Herring, Francis. Certaine rules, directions, or advertisments for this time of pestilentiall contagion: with a caueat to…... 1603
Herring, Francis. A modest defence of the caueat giuen to the wearers of impoisoned amulets, as preseruatiues…... 1604
Underwood, Robert. A nevv anatomie. VVherein the body of man is very fit and aptly (two wayes…... 1605
Cotta, John. A short discouerie of the vnobserued dangers of seuerall sorts of ignorant and vnconsiderate practisers…... 1612
Underwood, Robert. The little world. Or, A liuely description of all the partes and properties of man…... 1612