Books with the Person:
Guillemeau, Jacques
Number of books: 6As Author:Guillemeau, Jacques. A worthy treatise of the eyes; contayning the knowledge and cure of one hundred and…... 1587
Guillemeau, Jacques. A worthy treatise of the eyes; contayning the knowledge and cure of one hundreth and…... 1587
Guillemeau, Jacques. The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, vvith divers, & sundrye figures, and…... 1598
Guillemeau, Jacques. Child-birth or, The happy deliuerie of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the gouernment of…... 1612
Guillemeau, Jacques. A worthy treatise of the eyes; contayning the knowledge and cure of one hundred and…... 1622
Guillemeau, Jacques. Child-birth or, The happy delivery of vvomen. VVherein is set downe the government of…... 1635