Fawcet, T.

Number of books: 13

VIAF Lookup

As Printer:

[author not specified], . Especiall obseruations, and approued physicall rules... 1625
Petowe, Henry. The countrie ague. Or, London her vvelcome home to her retired children. Together, with a…... 1625
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure with the true anatomie of mans body / compiled by that excellent…... 1626
Boraston, William. A necessarie and briefe treatise of the contagious disease of the pestilence, with the causes…... 1630
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasure. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1633
de Mediolano, Joannes. Regimen sanitatis Salerni: or, The schoole of Salernes regiment of health. Contayning most learned and…... 1634
Raynalde, Thomas. The birth of man-kinde; othervvise named, The womans booke. Set forth in English by…... 1634
Sennert, Daniel. The vveapon-salves maladie: or, A declaration of its insufficiencie to performe what is attributed…... 1637
Fage, John. Speculum ægrotorum. The sick-mens glasse: or, A plaine introduction whereby one may give a…... 1638
Primerose, James. The antimoniall cup twice cast: or a treatise concerning the antimoniall cup, shewing the abuse…... 1640
Vicary, Thomas. The English-mans treasvre. With the true anatomie of mans body: compiled by that excellent…... 1641
Vicary, Thomas. The surgions directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds, and cures, &c. shewing, the excellencie…... 1651
Vicary, Thomas. The surgion’s directorie, for young practitioners, in anatomie, wounds, and cures, &c. shewing, the excellencie…... 1651