Books with the Person:
East, Thomas
Number of books: 16As Bookseller:Jones, John. The bathes of Bathes ayde...... 1572
As Printer:Vigo, Giovanni da. The most excellent workes of chirurgerie, made and set foorthe... 1571
Jones, John. The bathes of Bathes ayde...... 1572
Jones, John. The benefit of the auncient bathes of Buckstones, vvhich cureth most greeuous sicknesses, neuer before…... 1572
Boorde, Andrew. The breuiarie of health: vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses and diseases…... 1575
de Chauliac, Guy. Guydos questions, newly corrected. VVherevnto is added the thirde and fourth booke of Galen, with…... 1579
Fioravanti, Leonardo. A short discours of the excellent doctour and knight, maister Leonardo Phiorauanti Bolognese vppon chirurgerie…... 1580
Brasbridge, Thomas. The poore mans iewell, that is to say, A treatise of the pestilence. Vnto the…... 1580
Clowes, William. A briefe and necessarie treatise, touching the cure of the disease called morbus Gallicus, or…... 1585
John XXI, Pope. The treasury of health, containing many profitable medicines, gathered out of Hipocrates, Galen, and Auicen…... 1585
Galen, . Certaine vvorkes of Galens, called Methodus medendi, with a briefe declaration of the worthie art…... 1586
Gale, Thomas. Certaine vvorkes of chirurgerie, nevvlie compiled and published by Thomas Gale, maister in chirurgerie…... 1586
Vigo, Giovanni da. The vvhole worke of that famous chirurgion Maister Iohn Vigo: newly corrected, by men skilfull…... 1586
Boorde, Andrew. The breuiarie of health: vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases, the…... 1587
Arcaeus, Franciscus. A most excellent and compendious method of curing woundes in the head...... 1588
Anderson, Anthony. An approved medicine against the deserued plague... 1593
Boorde, Andrew. The breuiarie of health: vvherin doth folow, remedies, for all maner of sicknesses & diseases the…... 1598