Books with the Person:
Charlewood, J.
Number of books: 7As Printer:Drouet, Pierre. A new counsell against the pestilence, declaring what kinde of disease it is, of what…... 1578
Lupton, Thomas. A thousand notable things, of sundry sortes. VVherof some are wonderfull, some straunge, some pleasant…... 1579
[author not specified], . A true report of three straunge welles...... 1579
Moore, Philip. 1580. An almanack and prognosticatio[n] for xxxiiii. yeeres, very profitable for all men, specially…... 1580
Mexía, Pedro. A pleasaunt dialogue, concerning phisicke and phisitions…... 1580
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherin are to be found, most excellent and approoued medicines…... 1580
[author not specified], . A notable and prodigious historie of a mayden... 1589