Books with the Person:
Cary, Walter
Number of books: 10As Author:Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1580
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1581
Cary, Walter. A briefe tre[atise,] called Caries fare[well to] physicke: wherein a[re to] be…... 1583
Cary, Walter. A briefe treatise, called Caries farewell to physicke: wherein thou... 1583
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone... 1584
Cary, Walter. The hammer for the stone: so named, for that it sheweth the most excellent remedie…... 1584
Cary, Walter. A breefe treatise, called Caryes farewell to physicke newlie imprinted and augmented: wherein are to…... 1587
Cary, Walter. A breefe treatise published by VValter Cary. 1587. and now the fyfth time. 1598. newly…... 1598
Cary, Walter. A briefe treatise published by Walter Cary 1587, and now the fift time 1609. newly…... 1609
Cary, Walter. Caries farewell to physicke. First published in the yeere 1587. and now, in 1611. reuiewed…... 1611