C., T.

Number of books: 14

VIAF Lookup

As Author:

C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to be found moste excellent and approued medicines…... 1578
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to bee founde most excellent and approued medicines…... 1579
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to bee founde moste excellent and approued medicines…... 1579
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherin are to be found, most excellent and approoued medicines…... 1580
C., T.. An hospitall, for the diseased. ... gathered by T.C…... 1584
C., T.. An hospitall, for the diseased. VVherein are to be founde most excellent and approued medicines…... 1587
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to be found most excellent and approoued medicines…... 1595
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to be found most excellent and approoued medicines…... 1598
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. VVherein are to be found most excellent approoued medicines, as…... 1610
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to be found most excellent approued medicines, as…... 1619
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. VVherein are to be found most excellent and approued medicines…... 1630
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. VVherin are to be found most excellent approved medicines, as…... 1638
C., T.. Vindiciæ pharmacapolæ, or an answer to the doctors complaints against apothecaries. Ou, poiei eas mia…... 1675

As Printer:

Culpeper, Nicholas. Composita, or, A synopsis of the chiefest compositions in use now with Galenists collected by…... 1656