Books with the Person:
Baley, Walter
Number of books: 9As Author:Baley, Walter. A discourse of the medicine called mithridatium...... 1585
Baley, Walter. A briefe treatise touching the preseruation of the eie sight... 1586
Baley, Walter. A briefe treatise touching the preseruation of the eie sight... 1586
Baley, Walter. ... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke...... 1587
Baley, Walter. ... discours of certain bathes or medicinall waters in the Countie of Warwicke...... 1587
Baley, Walter. A short discourse of the three kindes of peppers in common vse...... 1588
Baley, Walter. Two treatises concerning the preseruation of eie-sight... 1616
Baley, Walter. A briefe treatise touching the preservation of the eye sight... 1654
Baley, Walter. A briefe treatise touching the preservation of the eye sight...... 1673