Books with the Person:
Allde, Edward
Number of books: 16As Printer:Levens, Peter. A right profitable booke for all diseases. Called The path-way to health. Wherein are…... 1587
[author not specified], . The good hous-wiues treasurie... 1588
Partridge, John. The widowes treasure plentifully furnished with sundry precious and approoued secretes in phisicke and chirurgery…... 1588
Goeurot, Jean. The regiment of life. VVhereunto is added a treatise of the pestilence, with the book…... 1596
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. Wherein are to be found most excellent and approoued medicines…... 1598
Clowes, William. A right frutefull and approoued treatise, for the artificiall cure of that malady called in…... 1602
[author not specified], . Sundrie approved remedies against the plague…... 1603
Fage, John. Speculum ægrotorum. The sicke-mens glasse: or, A plaine introduction wherby one may giue a…... 1606
C., T.. An hospitall for the diseased. VVherein are to be found most excellent approoued medicines, as…... 1610
Gardiner, Edmund. Phisicall and approved medicines, aswell in meere simples, as compound... 1611
Lupton, Thomas. A thousand notable things of sundrie sorts. Whereof some are wonderfull, some strange, some pleasant…... 1612
[author not specified], . London tryacle, being the enemie to all infectious diseases... 1612
[author not specified], . London tryacle, being the enemie to all infectious diseases... 1615
Dawson, Thomas. A booke of cookerie. And the order of meates to bee serued to the table…... 1620
Seabrooke, Richard. Seabrookes caueat: or His warning piece to all his louing country-men, to beware how…... 1620
Fioravanti, Leonardo. A discourse vpon chyrurgery: written by that famous doctour and knight, Signior Leonardo Phiorauanti, Bolognese…... 1626