The vvonderfull and strange effect and vertues of a new Terra sigillata lately found out…

Author: Bertholdus, Andrew Person page
Author Occupation: none
Translator: Googe, Barnabe   Person page
Publisher: Watkins, Richard   Person page
Printer: Robinson, Robert   Person page
Title: The vvonderfull and strange effect and vertues of a new Terra sigillata lately found out in Germanie, with the right order of the applying and administring of it: being oftentimes tried and experienced by Andreas Bertholdus of Oschatz in Misnia.
Short Title: The vvonderfull and strange effect and vertues of a new Terra sigillata lately found out…
Imprint: At London : Printed by Robert Robinson for Richard Watkins, 1587.
Date: 1587
First Edition: y
Pages: 47
Original Language: Latin
Format: 8
Genre: other
Topic: remedy, single
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London