The store-house of nature expos’d to view: or, The dsciription [sic] and physical vertues…

Author: S., J. Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Author Occupation: alchemist or chemist
Publisher: Funder, William   Person page
Title: The store-house of nature expos’d to view: or, The dsciription [sic] and physical vertues of such herbs and plants as are commonly found in this nation. Opperating and working strange and wonderful (though safe) cures on the bodies of men, and women, and children; insomuch that many hundreds who are daily afflicted with sickness and pains that too often end in death may in their own or their neighbors garden or field, find an easie, cheap, and speedy cure; and to their admiration, be re-stored to health, beyond the skill of quacks, who for the most part being illiterate persons, know not the vertue and opperation of symples. To this is added, the figures of the most material herbs and plants, the like (unless in great volums [sic] which the poor are not capable of purchasing) not published before. By J.S. student in ph[y]si[c]k and a[str]ol[og]y.
Short Title: The store-house of nature expos’d to view: or, The dsciription [sic] and physical vertues…
Imprint: London : printed for VVilliam Funder, 1684.
Date: 1684
First Edition: y
Pages: 12
Format: 4
Genre: herbal
Topic: plant
Topic: remedies, multiple