The secretes of the reuerende Mayster Alexis of Piemount. Conteinying many excellent remedies agaynst dyuers…

Author: Ruscelli, Girolamo Person page
Author Occupation: master of art
Translator: Ward,William   Person page
Printer: Sutton, Henry   Person page
Title: The secretes of the reuerende Mayster Alexis of Piemount. Conteinying many excelle[n]t remedies agaynst dyuers diseases, woundes, and other accidentes, with the manner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, dyinges, colours, fusions, and meltynges. ... Translated out of Frenche into Englishe, by Wyllyam Warde.
Short Title: The secretes of the reuerende Mayster Alexis of Piemount. Conteinying many excellent remedies agaynst dyuers…
Imprint: Londini : Printed by Henry Sutton, Anno a ` virgineo partu. M.D.LIX. 1559 XII. die mens. Nouemb.
Date: 1559
First Edition: n
Pages: 280
Original Language: Italian
Interm Language: French
Format: 4
Genre: secrets
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London