The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont: containyng excellente remedies against diuerse diseases…

Author: Ruscelli, Girolamo Person page
Author Occupation: master of art
Translator: Ward, William   Person page
Publisher: Wight, John   Person page
Printer: Kingston, John   Person page
Title: The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont: containyng excellente remedies against diuerse diseases, woundes, and other accidentes, with the maner to make distillations, parfumes, confitures, diynges, colours, fusions, and meltynges. Newlie corrected and amended, and also somewhat more enlarged in certaine places, whiche wanted in the firste edition.
Short Title: The Secretes of the reuerend Maister Alexis of Piemont: containyng excellente remedies against diuerse diseases…
Imprint: Imprinted at London : By Ihon Kyngston, for Ihon VVight, anno Domini
Date: 1580
First Edition: n
Pages: 268
Original Language: Italian
Interm Language: French
Format: 4
Genre: secrets
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London