The happy sinner: or, The penitent malefactor

Author: [author not specified] Person page
Author Occupation: soldier
Author Occupation: surgeon
Publisher: Clavel, R.   Person page
Book Seller: Johnson, Michael   Person page
Title: The happy sinner: or, The penitent malefactor. Being the prayers and last words of one Richard Cromwel (some time a souldier and chyrurgion in the late D. of Monmouth’s army, and since of their present Majesties) who was executed at Leichfield for murder, on the 3d. day of July, 1691. Wherein are not only contained his prayers, (drawn up by his own hand, which (with a little variation) may fitly be used by most Christian people) but also his last speech, which is a very pious and godly exhortation to all Christian people, to forsake sin and wickedness, and to tur to God, before he overtake them with his just judgments for their wickedness. And also, his legacy to his county, of choyce, physical, and chyrurgical receipts, viz. I. A balsome for wounds, bruises, pains, aches, stiches, and sprains. II. A very extraordinary receipt for the worms. III. Two several receipts for that tormenting distemper, the wind collick. IV. A cure for all colds or coughs, new or old. V. A purge for the head, which cures those pains, and helps the eye sight. VI. A general purge, carrying off all flegme, choller, melancholly, from all parts of the body, thereby curin or preventing many diseases. VII. A most excellent plaister for all pains. And lastly, directions to make two several waters for the eyes, with the last of which he cured a boy in Leichfield that had been blind three years...
Short Title: The happy sinner: or, The penitent malefactor
Imprint: London : printed for R. Clavell, at the Peacock in St. Pauls Church Yard, and are to be sold by Mich. Johnson, bookseller in Leichfield, 1691.
Date: 1691
First Edition: y
Pages: 8
Format: 4
Genre: recipe
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Bookseller    Place: [unspecified], Litchfield
Place of: Printer    Place: Peacock [at the west end] in St. Pauls Church Yard, London