The grete herball...
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: none
Publisher: Andrewe, Laurence Person page
Printer: Treveris, Peter Person page
Title: The grete herball whiche gyueth parfyt knowlege and vnderstandyng of all maner of herbes [and] theyr gracyous vertues whiche god hath ordeyned for our prosperous welfare and helth, for they hele [and] cure all maner of dyseases and sekenesses that fall or mysfortune to all maner of creatures of god created practysed by many expert and wyse maysters, as Auicenna [and] other. [et]c. Also it gyueth full parfyte vnderstandynge of the booke lately prynted by me (Peter treueris) named the noble experie[n]ce of the vertuous handwarke of surgery.
Short Title: The grete herball...
Imprint: [Southwark : P. Treveris for L. Andrewe, 1529]
Date: 1529
First Edition: n
Pages: 350
Original Language: Latin
Interm Language: French
Format: 2
Genre: herbal
Topic: plant
Place of: Printer Place: Southwark, London