The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, vvith divers, & sundrye figures, and…

Author: Guillemeau, Jacques Person page
Author Occupation: royal practitioner
Author Occupation: surgeon
Translator: A.M.   Person page
Printer: Canin, Isaac   Person page
Title: The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, vvith divers, & sundrye figures, and amongst the rest, certayne nuefovvnde instrumentes, verye necessarye to all the operationes of chirurgerye. Through Iaques Guillemeau, of Orleans ordinarye chirurgiane to the Kinge, and sworen in the citye of Paris. And novv truelye translated out of Dutch into Englishe by A.M.
Short Title: The Frenche chirurgerye, or all the manualle operations of chirurgerye, vvith divers, & sundrye figures, and…
Imprint: Imprinted at Dort : by Isaac Canin, M.D.xcvij. [1597, i.e. 1598]
Date: 1598
First Edition: y
Pages: 156
Original Language: French
Interm Language: Dutch
Format: 2
Genre: surgical guide
Topic: surgery
Place of: Printer    Place: Dordrecht, Netherlands