The first part of the key of philosophie. Wherein is contained moste ex-excellent [sic…

Author: [author not specified] Person page
Author Occupation: none
Translator: Hester, John   Person page
Printer: Day, Richard   Person page
Title: The first part of the key of philosophie. Wherein is contained moste ex-excellent [sic] secretes of phisicke and philosophie, deuided into twoo bookes. In the firste is shewed the true and perfect order to distill, or drawe forthe the oiles, of all maner of gummes, spices, seedes, rootes, and herbes, with their perfect taste, smell, [and] vertues. In the seconde is shewed the true and perfect order to prepare, calcine, sublime, and dissolue all maner of mineralles, and how ye shall drawe forthe their oiles and saltes, whiche are moste wonderfull in their operations, for the health of mannes bodie. First written in the Germaine tongue by the moste learned Theophrastus Paraselsus, and now published in the Englishe tongue by Ihon Hester practitioner in the arte of distillation.
Short Title: The first part of the key of philosophie. Wherein is contained moste ex-excellent [sic…
Imprint: [London] : 1580. At London. Printed by Richard Day, to be sold at the long shop at the west ende of Paules, [1580]
Date: 1580
First Edition: y
Pages: 128
Original Language: Dutch
Interm Language: German
Format: 8
Genre: other
Topic: chemical
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Bookseller    Place: west-end of Pauls, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London