The copy of a letter describing the wonderful woorke of God in deliuering a mayden…

Author: Fisher, John Person page
Author Occupation: gentleman
Printer: Awdely, John   Person page
Title: The copy of a letter describing the wonderful woorke of God in deliuering a mayden within the city of Chester, from an horrible kinde of torment and sicknes 16. of february 1564.
Short Title: The copy of a letter describing the wonderful woorke of God in deliuering a mayden…
Imprint: Imprinted at Londo[n] : By Iohn Awdely, dewyllyng [sic] in litle Britayne streete, beyonde Aldersgate, 23. of March 1564 [i.e. 1565]
Date: 1564
First Edition: y
Pages: 18
Format: 8
Genre: cases
Topic: women
Place of: Printer    Place: litle Britayne streete, beyonde Aldersgate, London