The contemplation of mankinde, contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all…

Author: della Roca Cocles, Bartolommeo Person page
Author Occupation: none
Translator: Hill, Thomas?   Person page
Publisher: Seres, William   Person page
Printer: Denham, Henry   Person page
Title: The contemplation of mankinde, contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all the members and partes of man, as from the heade to the foote, in a more ample maner than hytherto hath beene published of any. In the place next after the chapter of the forehead, hath the phisiognomer added a proper treatise of the signification of sundrie lines seene in most mens foreheads: which in sundrie disputations with a skilfull Iew, he at the last obtayned. ... In the ende is a little treatise added of the signification of moles ... written by a worthie Grecian named Melampus. All which, englished by Thomas Hyll. 1571.
Short Title: The contemplation of mankinde, contayning a singuler discourse after the art of phisiognomie, on all…
Imprint: [Imprinted at London : by [Henry Denham for] William Seres, dwelling at the west ende of Paules Church, at the signe of the Hedgehogge. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum, anno. 1571]
Date: 1571
First Edition: y
Pages: 516
Original Language: Latin, Greek
Format: 8
Genre: other
Topic: body parts
Place of: Publisher    Place: west ende of Paules Church, at the signe of the Hedgehogge, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London