The chyrurgians closet: or, an antidotarie chyrurgicall. Furnished with varietie and choyce of: apophlegms, balmes…
Author: Bonham, Thomas Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Publisher: Brewster, Edward Person page
Printer: Miller, George Person page
Title: The chyrurgians closet: or, an antidotarie chyrurgicall. Furnished with varietie and choyce of: apophlegms, balmes, baths, caps, cataplasmes, causticks, cerots, clysters, collyries, decoctions, diets, and wound-drinks, desensatiues, dentifrices, electuaries, embrocations epithemes, errhines, foments, fumes, gargarismes, iniections, liniments, lotions, oyles, pessaries, pils, playsters, potions, powders, quilts, suppositaries, synapismes, trochisces, vnguents, and waters. The greatest part whereof were scatteredly set downe in sundry bookes and papers; by the right worshipfull Mr. Thomas Bonham, Dr. of Physick; and now drawne into method and forme, by Edvvard Poeton of Petworth, (late and long seruant to the foresaid Right Worshipfull Dr.) and published for the benefit of his country, and the helpe and ease, of young practitioners in the ancient, necessarie, and noble science of chyrurgerie.
Short Title: The chyrurgians closet: or, an antidotarie chyrurgicall. Furnished with varietie and choyce of: apophlegms, balmes…
Imprint: London : Printed by George Miller, for Edvvard Brevvster, and are to be sold at the signe of the Bible at the north doore of Pauls, 1630.
Date: 1630
First Edition: y
Pages: 396
Format: 4
Genre: surgical guide
Topic: surgery
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Bookseller Place: North door of St. Paul's at the sign of the Bible, London
Place of: Printer Place: [unspecified], London
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