Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable auctours of physycke…

Author: [author not specified] Person page
Author Occupation: physician
Printer: Wyer, Robert   Person page
Title: Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable auctours of physycke, shewynge the daunger of dyuers syckenesses, that is to saye, whether in peryl of death be in them or not, the pleasure of almyghty God reseruyd.
Short Title: Prognosticacion, drawen out of the bookes of Ipocras, Auicen, and other notable auctours of physycke…
Imprint: [[London] : Imprynted by me Robert Wyer. Cum priuilegio, ad imprimendum solum, [ca. 1545]]
Date: 1545
First Edition: y
Pages: 32
Format: 8
Genre: other
Topic: astrology
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London