Good tydings to the sick and lame: or, The sick-man’s library

Author: Fletcher, Richard Person page
Author Occupation: professor
Author Occupation: alchemist or chemist
Author Occupation: physician
Publisher: Fletcher, Richard   Person page
Publisher: Merry, Nathaniel   Person page
Title: Good tydings to the sick and lame: or, The sick-man’s library. Teaching both high and low, rich and poor, next under God, how to prescribe to, or procure ease for the pained, strength for the weak, health for the sick, and cure for sores. Being a true and candid relation of the vertues and uses of four excellent medicines, viz. arcanum vegetabilium, pilulæ vegetantes, balsamum vitæ, unguentum refrigerans. Whereunto is added, a few of the many testimonies and cures performed by the same, their names, diseases, and places of abode; being snfficient [sic] to confirm the truth. Published for the good of all who labour under pain and misery. By Rich. Fletcher Nath. Merry professors of chymical physick in London.
Short Title: Good tydings to the sick and lame: or, The sick-man’s library
Imprint: London : printed for the authors, 1674.
Date: 1674
First Edition: y
Pages: 16
Format: 4
Genre: advert
Topic: chemical
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London