Conatus sine exemplo: or the first and needfullest discouerie to the attainment of health, that…
Author: Cotta, John Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Publisher: Becket, Leonard Person page
Title: Conatus sine exemplo: or the first and needfullest discouerie to the attainment of health, that hath at any time beene published; and which for the cheapnesse of the worke and preciousnesse of the worth may be called: the physitions counsell without a fee. Aswell directing the sicke patient how to make choise of a good physition with the markes and notes to know him by, as how to avoyd the vnskillfull, ignorant and dangerous, that at this day generally practise. In the discourse whereof, is the emperick, the quacksaluer, the workers by iugling wonders, women physitions, workers by spels, and charmes, and witchcraft layd open and discouered to their shame and pennance. Also a true discouerie and way to discerne when a sicke party is bewitched from all convultions or other naturall diseases, and what is to bee done in such cases. Likewise how farr a witch hath power ouer man and beast. ...By Iohn Cotta Doctor in Physicke.
Short Title: Conatus sine exemplo: or the first and needfullest discouerie to the attainment of health, that…
Imprint: London : printed for Leonard Becket,
Date: 1627
First Edition: n
Pages: 144
Format: 4
Genre: other
Topic: politics, medical
Place of: Printer Place: [unspecified], London