Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection…

Author: Royal College of Physicians of London Person page
Author Occupation: fellow of the college of physicians
Printer: Barker, Robert   Person page
Title: Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection; with many easie medicines of small charge, very profitable to his Maiesties subiects; set downe by the Colledge of Physicians by the Kings Maiesties speciall command. With sundry orders thought meet by his Maiestie, and his Priuie Councell, to be carefully executed for preuention of the plague. Also certaine select statutes commanded by His Maiestie to be put in execution by all iustices, and other officers of the peace throughout the realme; together with His Maiesties proclamation for further direction therein: and a decree in Starre-Chamber, concerning buildings and in-mates.
Short Title: Certain necessary directions, aswell for the cure of the plague, as for preuenting the infection…
Imprint: Imprinted at London : By Robert Barker, printer to the Kings most excellent Maiestie: and by the assignes of Iohn Bill, 1636.
Date: 1636
First Edition: y
Pages: 144
Format: 4
Genre: plague tract
Topic: disease, single
Topic: plague
Topic: disease control
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London
ESTC: http://estc.bl.uk/S2216
Public Image URL: https://archive.org/details/b30322078/