Articles and orders agreed vpon by the right worshipfull Iohn Mansel Doctor of Divinitie, and…
Author: University of Cambridge Person pageAuthor Occupation: university affiliation
Title: Articles and orders agreed vpon by the right worshipfull Iohn Mansel Doctor of Divinitie, and Vicechancellor of the Vniversitie of Cambridge; and Thomas Purchas Maior of the towne of Cambridge, with the consent of the assistants then present, the xj. day of Iuly, ann. Dom. 1625. ...
Short Title: Articles and orders agreed vpon by the right worshipfull Iohn Mansel Doctor of Divinitie, and…
Imprint: [Cambridge : S.n., 1625]
Date: 1625
First Edition: y
Pages: 1
Format: 2
Genre: other
Topic: disease control
Topic: plague
Place of: Printer Place: University, Cambridge