Approved directions for health, both naturall and artificiall: deriued from the best physitians as well…

Author: Vaughan, William Person page
Author Occupation: master of art
Publisher: Jackson, Roger   Person page
Printer: Snodham, T.   Person page
Book Seller: Jackson, Roger   Person page
Title: Approved directions for health, both naturall and artificiall: deriued from the best physitians as well moderne as auncient. Teaching how euery man should keepe his body and mind in health: and sicke, how hee may safely restore it himselfe. Diuided into 6. sections 1. Ayre fire and water. 2. Meate, drinke with nourishment. 3. Sleepe, earely rising and dreames. 4. Auoidance of excrements, by purga. 5. The soules qualities and affections. 6. Quarterly, monethly, and daily diet. Newly corrected and augmented by the authour.
Short Title: Approved directions for health, both naturall and artificiall: deriued from the best physitians as well…
Imprint: London : printed by T. S[nodham]. for Roger Jackson, and are to be solde at his shop neere the Condiut in Fleetestreete, 1611.
Date: 1611
First Edition: n
Pages: 160
Format: 8
Genre: regimen
Topic: regimen
Place of: Bookseller    Place: shop neere Fleet-Street Conduit, London
Place of: Printer    Place: [unspecified], London