In this section
- Acton, George
- Adams, Thomas
- Agnodice
- Alchron, Thomas
- Alde, John
- Alius Medicus
- Allde, Edward
- Allde, Elizabeth
- Allde, E.
- Allde, J.
- Allen, Benjamin
- Allen, Charles
- Allestry, James
- Allot, Robert
- Alsop, B.
- Alsop, E.
- Alsop, Thomas
- Amery, John
- Anderson, Anthony
- Anderson, Gilbert
- Anderson, Katherine
- Anderson, Patrick
- Andrew
- Andrewe, Laurence
- Andrews, Edward
- Andrews, John
- Andrews, Th.
- Andrews, William
- Androse, Richard
- Anthony, Francis
- Apothecaries of Edinburgh
- Arceus, Francisco
- Archer, Edward
- Archer, John
- Archer, Thomas
- Archer, T.
- Arch, Susannah
- Armin., Phil.
- Armuthaz, Bollicosgo
- Ashby, Richard
- Askham, Anthony
- Astwood, John
- Atkins, Rowland
- Atkins, William
- Austin, William
- author, some
- Awdely, John
- Awdley, J.
- Axford, John
- Ax, Thomas
- Aylmer, Brabazon
- Aymes, John
- a Society of Stationers
- A, A
- A.M.
- A., B.
- A., I.
- A., J.
- Back, John
- Bacon, Roger
- Bacon, William
- Baden, Dr.
- Badger, John
- Badger, Richard
- Baker, George
- Baker, John
- Baker, Richard
- Baker, Robert
- Baldwin, A.
- Baldwin, D.
- Baldwin, R.
- Baley, Walter
- Ballard, Henry
- Ballard, H.
- Ballista, Christopher
- Ball, Richard
- Ball, Roger
- Bamford, Henry
- Banckes, Richard
- Banister, John
- Banister, Richard
- Bankes, Richard
- Baptista Guardano Lodovico Puncto, Johannes
- Barbette, Paul
- Barclay, William
- Barker, Christopher
- Barker, Richard
- Barker, Robert
- Barley, William
- Barnes, John
- Barnes, Joseph
- Barret, Robert
- Barrough, Philip
- Barrow, J.
- Bartholin, Thomas
- Bartlett, C.
- Bartlet, John
- Basset, R.
- Basset, Thomas
- Bateman, Robert
- Bates, Charles
- Bate, George
- Bate, John
- Battus, Charles (Low German)
- Bauderon, Brice
- Baxter, Richard
- Bayfield, Robert
- Beale, John
- Beale, J.
- Becket, Leonard
- Beddevole, Dominique
- Bedell, M.M. G.
- Bedel, G.
- Béguin, Jean
- Belke, Michael
- Bellon, P.
- Bell, Andrew
- Bell, A.
- Bell, Jane
- Belon, Peter
- Belson, John
- Bennet, Thomas
- Benskin, Thomas
- Bentley, K.
- Bentley, R.
- Bentley, W.
- Bently, R.
- Berengario da Carpi, Jacopo
- Berlu, John Jacob
- Bernard, H.
- Berrie, J.
- Berthelet, Thomas
- Bertholdus, Andrew
- Bettesworth, Arthur
- Bèze, Théodore de
- Biggs, Noah
- Billingsley, Benjamin
- Bill, John
- Birch, Philip
- Birckman, Arnold
- Bird, Robert
- Bird, R.
- Bishop, George
- Bishop, R.
- Blackmore, Edward
- Blackstone, J.
- Bladon, William
- Blagrave, Charles
- Blagrave, E.
- Blagrave, Joseph
- Blagrave, Obadiah
- Blague, John
- Blankaart, Steven
- Blare, J.
- Blégny, Nicolas
- Blochwitz, Martin
- Bloom, William
- Blount, Charles
- Blount, Edward
- Blower, Ralph
- Boler, James
- Bolifant, Edmund
- Bollifant, Edmund
- Bolnest, Edward
- Bonbridge, William
- Bonet, Théophile
- Bonham, Thomas
- Bonian, Richard
- Bonny, W.
- Bonwicke, Henry
- Bonwicke, James
- Bonwick, H.
- Boorde
- Boorde, Andrew
- Boraston, William
- Border, Daniel
- Borlase, Edmund
- Bostocke, Richard
- Boules, R.
- Boulter, Robert
- Boulter, R.
- Boulton, Richard
- Boulton, Samuel
- Bourke, Thomas
- Bourne, Nicolas
- Bowcher
- Bowden, Nicholas
- Boyle, Richard
- Boyle, Robert
- Braddyll, T.
- Bradford, J.
- Bradocke, Richard
- Bradwell, Stephen
- Bradwood, Melchisedech
- Brasbridge, Thomas
- Bretnor, Thomas
- Brewer, Thomas
- Brewster, Edward
- Brewster, Thomas
- Brian, Thomas
- Bridges, Joseph
- Briggs, Philip
- Bright, Timothie
- Brigs, Philip
- Bringhurst, John
- Broad, Alice
- Broad, Thomas
- Brome, Henry
- Brome, William
- Bromfield, M.
- Brookes, Nathaniell
- Brooke, Humphrey
- Brooke, N.
- Brook, A.
- Brook, Nathanael
- Brook, Nathaniel
- Broom, H.
- Broom, Widow
- Browne, John
- Browne, Richard
- Brown, Andrew
- Brown, Daniel
- Brown, Edward
- Brown, Robert
- Brown, Thomas
- Brudenell, J.
- Bruele, Gualterus
- Bruges, Henry
- Brugis, Thomas
- Brunschwig, Hieronymus
- Bruster, Thomas
- Buckworth, Edmund
- Buckworth, Theophilus
- Buck, P.
- Buck, T.
- Bulkley, Stephen
- Bullein, William
- Bunworth, Richard
- Burbie, Cutbert
- Burby, Cuthbert
- Burges
- Burrel, Tho.
- Burton, Richard
- Burton, Robert
- Burton, S.
- Busby Jr., John
- Bush, Edwin
- Busschof, Hermann
- Butler, John
- Butter, Nathanael
- Byfield, Timothy
- Bynneman, Henry
- B., C.
- B., E.
- B., J.
- B., M.
- B., P.
- B., R.
- B., T.
- B., W.
- Cable, Daniel
- Cademan, William
- Cadman, Thomas
- Caen, Issac
- Caius, John
- Caldwall, Richard
- Calvert, E.
- Calvert, George
- Calvert, Giles
- Canin, Isaac
- Carew, Richard
- Care, H.
- Carruthers, Thomas
- Carruthers, T.
- Carr, William
- Cartwright, Samuel
- Cary, Walter
- Car, Henry
- Case, John
- Casimir, John
- Castle, Edward
- Castle, George
- Cawood, John
- Caxton, William
- Chaloner, Thomas
- Chamberlayne, John
- Chamberlayne, Thomas
- Chamberlen, Hugh
- Chamberlen, Peter
- Chandler, John
- Chapman, Henry
- Chapman, Lawrence
- Chapman, Livewell
- Charas, Moyse
- Chard, Thomas
- Charleton, Walter
- Charlewood, J.
- Charlwood, J.
- Chatfield, Stephen
- Chetwind, Philip
- Childe, Thomas
- Childe, Timothy
- Chilmead, Edmund
- Chiswell, Richard
- Chiswell, R.
- Choke, John
- Churchill, Awnsham
- Churchill, John
- Church, Francis
- Church, John
- City of London (England). Court of Aldermen.
- Clarke, Andrew
- Clarke, John
- Clark, Andrew
- Clark, Fr.
- Clark, Henry
- Clark, Mary
- Clark, R.
- Clark, Samuel
- Clark, T.
- Clavell, Robert
- Clavell, R.
- Clavel, Roger
- Clavel, R.
- Clement, Samuel
- Clever, William
- Clifton, Fulke
- Clowes, Jane
- Clowes, John
- Clowes, William
- Cockburn, William
- Cockeril, Thomas
- Cock, Thomas
- Coelson, Lancelot
- Coe, Andrew
- Cogan, Thomas
- Colbatch, John
- Coles, Francis
- Coles, William
- Cole, Abdiah
- Cole, Edward
- Cole, Peter
- Cole, William
- Collins, F.
- Collins, Samuel
- Collins, Thomas
- Collins, T.
- Colly, Anthony
- Colmenero de Ledesma, Antonio
- Colwell, Thomas
- Comenius, Johann Amos
- Company of Distillers of London
- Company of Sationers
- Company of Stationers
- Constable, Francis
- Conyers, George
- Conyers, G.
- Conyers, J.
- Cooke, James
- Cooper, William
- Copland, Robert
- Copland, R.
- Copland, William
- Corporation of London
- Cotes, Ellen
- Cotes, Richard
- Cotes, R.
- Cotes, Thomas
- Cotta, John
- Cottrell, James
- Couch, Robert
- Coules, F.
- Coverdale, Miles
- Coward, William
- Cowper, William
- Coxe, Thomas
- Cox, J.
- Crane, T.
- Cranford, Joseph
- Crawford, Henry
- Crayle, Benjamin
- Creede, Thomas
- Cripps, Henry
- Crips, Hen.
- Crofts, Robert
- Croll, Oswald
- Crooke, Helkiah
- Crook, Andrew
- Crook, John
- Crook, J.
- Crook, William
- Crouch, Nathaniel
- Crouch, Samuel
- Crouch, S.
- Crowch, Edward
- Crull, Jodocus
- Cruttenden, Henry
- Culpeper, Nicholas
- Cumberland, Richard
- Cumberland, R.
- Curtiss, Langley
- Curtis, Langly
- Curtis, L.
- C., A.
- C., E.
- C., H.
- C., J.
- C., N.
- C., P.D.
- C., R.
- C., T.
- C., W.
- Dabbe, Henry
- Daffey, Ellen
- Daffy, Anthony
- Dakins, John
- Dancer, Samuel
- Daniel, Roger
- Daniel, R.
- Danter, John
- Darby, John
- Dariot, Claude
- Darker, Samuel
- Davies, T.
- Davis, Nicolas
- Davis, Richard
- Davis, Walter
- Dawks, J.
- Dawks, Thomas
- Dawson, Gartrude
- Dawson, John
- Dawson, J.
- Dawson, M.
- Dawson, Thomas
- Day, John
- Day, Richard
- Deacon, B.
- Deacon, John
- Deane, Edmund
- Degravere, Julius
- Dekkers, Frederick
- Dekker, Thomas
- della Roca Cocles, Bartolommeo
- Dellon, Gabriel
- Denham, Henry
- Deputies of Christopher Barker
- Dewes, Gerald
- Dewe, Thomas
- Dexter, R.
- de Chauliac, Guy
- de Machlinia, W.
- de Mediolano, Joannes
- de Worde, Wynkyn
- Dickinson, Francisco
- Diemerbroeck, Ysbrand van
- Digby, Kenelm
- Dixon, Roger
- Dizle, H.
- Di Capua, Lionardo
- Dodoens, Rembert
- Dod, E.
- Doesborch, Jan van
- Doläus, Johann
- Donne, George
- Dover, James
- Dover, Joan
- Downing, W.
- Downs, George
- Drage, William
- Drake, James?
- Drew, Matthias
- Dring, Peter
- Dring, Thomas
- Drouet, Pierre
- Dugard, Willi
- Duncon, Eleazar
- Durante, Castore
- Durant, John
- du Chesne (Quercetanus), Joseph
- du Laurens, Andre
- D., C.
- D., D.
- D., I.
- D., J.
- D., N.
- D., R.
- D., T.
- D., W.
- East, Thomas
- Eccleston, Christopher
- Edmonds, Walter
- Edmonson, Godfrey
- Edwards, Edward
- Edwin, Jonathan
- Eglesfield, Francis
- Eglesfield, Thomas
- Eizat, Edward
- Ekins, Nathaniel
- Ekins, N.
- Eld, George
- Eliot's Court Press
- Elkes, Richard
- Elmy
- Elyot, Thomas
- Emerie, Iasper
- Emery, John
- Emes, Thomas
- England and Wales
- England and Wales. Royal Navy
- England, Nicholas
- English, Peter
- Enos, Walter
- Erasmus, Desiderius
- Este, Thomas
- Ettmüller, Michael
- Evans, John
- Everard, Giles
- Everingham, John
- Eversden, George
- Eversden, Henry
- Evets, Edward
- Evetts, Edward
- Ewel, Edward
- Faber, Albert Otto
- Fabian, Thomas
- Fabricius Hildanus, Wilhelm
- Fage, John
- Faithorn, Henry
- Falkland, Henrie
- Farnham, Edward
- Fawcet, T.
- Fawn, Luke
- Fedro von Rodach, George
- Feltham, Anthony
- Fernel, Jean
- Ferrand, Jacques
- Ferrar, Nicholas, attrib.
- Ferris, Samuel
- Feyens, Jean
- Fickus, Th.
- Field, John
- Field, Richard
- Field, R.
- Field, T.
- Finlason, Thomas
- Fioravanti, Leonardo
- Fisher, Benjamin
- Fisher, John
- Flamant, M.
- Flasket, John
- Flesher, E.
- Flesher, James
- Flesher, Miles
- Flesher, M.
- Flesher, Thomas
- Flesher, T.
- Fletcher, Henry
- Fletcher, John
- Fletcher, Richard
- Fletcher, R.
- Floyer, John
- Fludd, Robert
- Foesius, Anutius
- Folkingham, William
- Fonteyn, Nicolaas
- Forbes Younger, John
- Forbes, John
- Forrest, Edward
- Forrest, James
- Fosbrooke, N.
- Foster, John
- Foster, Richard
- Foster, Stephen
- Foster, William
- Fountaine, Edward
- Fox, Abraham Lenertzon
- Fox, Thomas
- Frampton, John
- Francesse, Peter
- Francklin, John
- Freeman, W.
- Frémont d’Ablancourt, Nicolas
- French, John
- Fuchs, Leonhard
- Fulwood, William
- Funder, William
- F., J.
- Gabelkover, Oswald
- Gadbury, John
- Gain, J.
- Galen
- Gale, Thomas
- Gardiner, Edmund
- Gardiner, Thomas
- Garencières, Theophilus
- Garfield, John
- Garth, Samuel
- Garway, John
- Gatford, Lionel
- Gaylhard, Robert
- Gayton, Edmund
- Gellibrand, John
- Gemini
- Geminus, Thomas
- Gerardts, Gonsale
- Gerard, John
- Gervaes, Maister
- Gesner, Konrad
- Ghesel, John
- Ghyles, Thomas
- Gibbes, George
- Gibson, Thomas
- Gilbertson, R.
- Gilbertson, William
- Gilbert, Samuel
- Gill
- Gilliflower, Matthew
- Gillyflower, M.
- Glaser, Christophe
- Glauber, Johann Rudolf
- Glen, James
- Glisson, Francis
- Gnaphaeus, Gulielmus
- Godbid, William
- Goddard, Jonathan
- Godfrey, Robert
- Godwin, Jos.
- Goeurot, Jean
- Goodall, Charles
- Goodwin, Timothy
- Goodwin, T.
- Googe, Barnabe
- Gordon, William
- Gosson, Henry
- Gosson, H.
- Gough, Jan
- Gower, Richard
- Gowghe, John
- Graaf, Reinier de
- Grafton, Richard
- Gratarolo, Guglielmo
- Gray, Edmund
- Greatrakes, Valentine
- Greaves, Edward
- Green, Charles
- Grew, Nehemiah
- Grey, Elizabeth
- Griffin, Anne
- Griffin, A.
- Griffin, B.
- Griffin, Edward
- Griffin, E.
- Griffin, Sarah
- Griffith, Richard
- Grismand, John
- Grismond, John
- Groeneveldt, Jan
- Groeneveld, Joannes
- Grove, Francis
- Grove, John
- Gryphius
- Guidott, Thomas
- Guillemeau, Jacques
- Gun, Mathew
- Guybert, Philbert
- Guy, Tho.
- Gybken, John
- Gybson, Thomas
- Gyer, Nicholas
- G., B.
- G., E.
- G., J.
- Hacket, Thomas
- Hales, John
- Hall, H.
- Hall, John
- Hall, Richard
- Hall, Roland
- Hall, William
- Hammond, H.
- Hammond, Thomas
- Hamond, Walter
- Hancock, John
- Hannes, Edward
- Harding, John
- Harford, Robert
- Hargrave, A.
- Harison, John
- Harison, J.
- Harison, Martha
- Harper, Charles
- Harper, C.
- Harper, Richard
- Harper, Thomas
- Harrington, John
- Harrison, John
- Harris, Benjamin
- Harris, E.
- Harris, John
- Harris, J.
- Harris, Sarah
- Harris, Walter
- Harris, William
- Hartman, George
- Hart, Andro
- Hart, James
- Harvey, Gideon
- Harvey, William
- Harward, Simon
- Hatfield, Arnold
- Havers, Clopton
- Haviland, John
- Hawes, Richard
- Haworth, Samuel
- Headrich, John
- Hearne, Richard
- Heart, Andrew
- Heath, Thomas
- Hebb, A.
- Helme, John
- Helme, Widow
- Helmont, Franciscus Mercurius van
- Helmont, Jean Baptiste van
- Helsham, Samuel
- Helvétius, Jean-Adrien
- Hepburn, George
- Hepburn, John
- Heptinstall, J.
- Herford
- Herford, John
- Herringman, Henry
- Herring, Francis
- Herwig, Henning Michael
- Hester, John
- Heydon, John
- Hiebner, Israel
- Higgins, C.
- Higgs, Daniel
- Highmore, Nathaniel
- Hill
- Hills, Henry
- Hill, Nicholas
- Hill, N.
- Hill, Oliver
- Hill, Thomas?
- Hinde, Thomas
- Hindmarsh, Joseph
- Hindmarsh, J.
- Hindmash, Joseph
- Hippen, H.
- Hippocrates
- Hippon, John
- Hirons, Jer.
- Hobbes, Stephen
- Hodges, Nathaniel
- Hodgkinson, Richard
- Hodgkin, T.
- Hodgskin, H.
- Holford, S.
- Holland, Henry
- Holland, Philemon
- Hollybush, John
- Holney, John
- Holt, R.
- Hood, Henry
- Hope, William
- Horne, Robert
- Horne, Thomas
- Horn, R.
- Horton, George
- Hoskins, William
- Howes, Samuel
- Howkins, Sarah
- Howkins, Thomas
- Howkins, T.
- How, J.
- How, William
- Hubbard, F.
- Hubbert, Fr.
- Hughes, William
- Humphrey Llwyd
- Hunt
- Huntington, Thomas
- Hunton, Anthony
- Huyberts, Adrian
- H., A.
- H., B.
- H., C.
- H., E.
- H., F.
- H., H.
- H., J.
- H., M.
- H., N.
- H., P.
- H., R.
- H., T.
- Jackson, Henry
- Jackson, Hugh
- Jackson, H.
- Jackson, John
- Jackson, Ralph
- Jackson, Roger
- Jacob, William
- Jaggard, Isaac
- Jaggard, William
- Jaggard, W.
- James, Thomas
- James, T.
- Jenner, Thomas
- Jewel, Edward
- John
- Johnes, R.
- Johnson, Arthur
- Johnson, J.
- Johnson, Michael
- Johnson, Richard
- Johnson, Robert
- Johnson, Thomas
- Johnson, William
- John Stockwood
- John XXI
- Jonas, Richard
- Jones, Edward
- Jones, George
- Jones, John
- Jones, Richard
- Jones, Thomas
- Jones, William
- Jonstonus, Joannes
- Jorden, Edward
- Josselyn, John
- Jugge, Richard
- J., T.
- J., W.
- Kauffman, Johann
- Keblewhite, W.
- Keinton, Matthew
- Kele, Richard
- Kellicke, Richard
- Kellwaye, Simon
- Kembe, Andrew
- Kemp, D.
- Kemp, William
- Kendall, George
- Kephale, Richard
- Kersey, John
- Kettilby, Walter
- Kettliby, Walter
- Kingston, Felix
- Kingston, John
- King, Charles I
- King, James I
- King, John
- King, J.
- Kirton, Joshua
- Kitson, Abraham
- Kitson, Antony
- Knapton, James
- Knapton, J.
- Knight, Cl.
- Kunholt, Gabriel
- K., F.
- K., T.
- K., W.
- Lakin, Daniel
- Lambert, Richard
- Lambert, Thomas
- Lamport, John
- Lancaster, John
- Langham, William
- Langton, Christopher
- Lant, R.
- Larkin, George
- Larnar, William
- Latham, George Jr.
- Lawrence, J.
- Law, Mathew
- Law, Thomas
- Laybournes, Master
- La Charrière, Joseph de
- La Fountaine, Edward
- La Framboisière, Nicolas Abraham de
- la Vauguion, M.
- Leach, Francis
- Leach, Thomas
- Leake, William
- Leete, John
- Lee, Samuel
- Lee, William
- Legate, Iohn
- Legate, I.
- Legate, John
- Legatt, John
- Legatt, J.
- Leigh, Charles
- Leigh, John
- Leigh, Joseph
- Leigh, J.
- Leigh, T.
- Lekpreuik, Robert
- Lémery, Nicolas
- Lemnius, Levinus
- Lessius, Leonardus
- Levens, Peter
- Levet, Robert
- Leybourn, Robert
- Leybourn, William
- Leybourn, W.
- Ley, William
- Le Boë, Frans de
- Le Clerc, Charles Gabriel
- Le Clerc, Daniel
- Le Fèvre, Nicaise
- Le Medde, Thedore
- Lichfield, A.
- Lichfield, John
- Lichfield, Leonard
- Lichfield, L.
- Lillicrap, Peter
- Lilly, William
- Lindesay, James
- Ling, Nicholas
- Lintott, Bernard
- Lisle, Laurence
- Lloyd, David
- Lloyd, Humfrey
- Lloyd, Lodowick
- Lloyd, Lodo.
- Llwyd, Humphrey
- Lobley, Michael
- Lockyer, Lionel
- Lock, Thomas
- Lodge, Thomas
- Loë, Henry
- Lomax, Nathaniel
- Lovell, A.
- Lovell, Robert
- Lovell, William
- Love, Jeremiah
- Lower, Richard
- Lowe, Peter
- Lowndes, Richard
- Lowndes, R.
- Lowndes, Samuel
- Lownes, Humphrey
- Lownes, H.
- Lownes, Matthew
- Lownes, R.
- Lugger, William
- Lupton, Thomas
- Lyte, Henry
- L., F.
- L., J.
- L., T.
- L., W.
- Mabb, Thomas
- Mab, Ralph
- Mace, Thomas
- Mackaile, Matthew
- Mackie, John
- MacMath, James
- Macock, John
- Macollo, John
- Magnus, Albertus
- Makluire, John
- Mallet, D.
- Malthus, Thomas
- Manning, James
- Mansell, Andrew
- Manship, S.
- Man, Jonas
- Man, Samuel
- Man, Thomas
- Maris, Elizabeth
- Maris, Peter
- Markham, Gervase
- Marlow, John
- Marriott, John
- Marshall, Charles
- Marshall, John
- Marshall, William
- Marsh, Henry
- Marsh, H.
- Marsh, Thomas
- Martin, John
- Martyn, John
- Mascall, Leonard (? STC)
- Massard, Jaques
- Massaria, Alessandro
- Masters, William
- Mathewes, Augustine
- Mathews, Richard
- Matthews, Augustine
- Mauriceau, Francois
- Mawbarn, Francis
- Mawson, Benjamin
- Maxey, Thomas
- Maxiumus, Iacobus
- Maxwell, Anne
- Maxwell, David
- Mayerne, Théodore Turquet de
- Maynwaringe, Everard
- Mayow, John
- May, Edward
- Meighen, Richard
- Menedemus, Dalepater
- Meredith, Christopher
- Meredith, Luke
- Merret, Christopher
- Merry, Nathaniel
- Mexia, Pedro
- Middleton, Henry
- Middleton, John
- Middleton, William
- Midgley, Robert
- Midwinter, D.
- Mierdman, Steven
- Milbourn, Thomas
- Miles, Abraham
- Miller, Abraham
- Miller, George
- Miller, Simon
- Miller, W.
- Millet, Jonathan
- Million, H.
- Mills, Fr.
- Millwater, Lewis
- Minderer, Raymund
- Mitchel, Josias
- Moellenbrock, Valentin Andreas
- Moffett, Thomas
- Monardes, Nicolas
- Monginot, François
- Moore, Philip
- Moore, Richard
- Morel, Pierre
- Morret, John
- Mortlock, Henry
- Morton, Richard
- Morus, Horatius
- Morwen, Peter
- Mosan, Jacob
- Moseley, Humphrey
- Mosman, George
- Moulson, Thomas
- Moulton, Thomas
- Moult, Francis
- Moxon, James
- Moxon, Joseph
- Moyle, John
- Mulcaster, Richard
- Mure, Andrew
- Muys, John
- Mylbourne, Robert
- Mynsicht, Adrian von
- M., A.
- M., A. (EN)
- M., D.
- M., E.
- M., J.
- M., M.
- M., N.D.B.
- M., P.
- M., R.
- M., T.
- M., T. [1644]
- M., W.
- Nealand, Wil.
- Neale, Simon
- Nedham, Marchamont
- Nedham, Thomas
- Nelme, Henry
- Nelson, T.
- Nendick, Humphrey
- Nevett, Thomas
- Newberrie, Ralph
- Newberry, N.
- Newbery, John
- Newbery, Nathaniel
- Newborough, Thomas
- Newcomb, Thomas
- Newland, William
- Newman, Dorman
- Newman, Hugh
- Newman, John
- Newton, Ninian
- Newton, Thomas
- Nicholas
- Nicholas Udall
- Nicolson, James
- Nolle, Heinrich
- Noot, Jan van der
- Norton, Bonham
- Norton, B.
- Norton, John
- Norton, Joyce
- Norton, Roger
- Norton, William
- Nowell, William
- Noy, Arthur
- Nuthall, J.
- Nutt, John
- Nutt, J.
- N., A.
- N., E.
- N., R.
- N., T.
- Packe, Christopher
- Page, Dixy
- Page, William
- Paine, Thomas
- Pakeman, D.
- Palmer, W.
- Paracelsus
- Pardoe, Mark
- Paré, Ambroise
- Parker, John
- Parker, Peter
- Parker, Richard
- Parker, Samuel
- Parkhurst, Ferdinando
- Parkhurst, Thomas
- Parkinson, John
- Parsons, M.
- Partlicius, Simeon
- Partridge, James
- Partridge, James [1121]
- Partridge, John
- Passinger, Thomas
- Pavyer, Thomas
- Paynell, Thomas
- Peachi, John
- Pechey, John
- Pecquet, Jean
- Pemell, Robert
- Penkethman, John
- Penot, Bernard Georges
- Pen, George
- Perin, John
- Perronet, David
- Peter, Charles
- Peter, John
- Petowe, Henry
- Petyt, Thomas
- Phayer, Thomas
- Philiatreus
- Philips, George
- Philips, Joshua
- Philips, J.
- Phillips, Joshua
- Pickering, Elisabeth
- Pierce, Robert
- Piercy, John
- Pierrepont, Thomas
- Pitcairn, Archibald
- Pitt, Moses
- Place, John
- Place, William
- Planis Campy, David de
- Platter, Felix
- Plat, Hugh
- Playford, J.
- Plutarch
- Poleman, Joachim
- Pomarius, Petrus
- Ponder, N.
- Ponteus, John
- Pordage, John
- Pordage, Samuel
- Potter, George
- Powell
- Powell, William
- Powel, William
- Prat, Ellis
- Preston, Richard
- Prevost, Jean
- Pridme, Isaac
- Primerose, James
- Printers to the university
- Pulleyn Junior, Octavian
- Pulleyn, Octavian
- Purfoot, Thomas
- Purslowe, E.
- Purslow, George
- Pynson, R.
- P., A.
- P., B.
- P., G.
- P., J.
- P., N.
- P., N.D.B.
- Raban, Edward
- Ramesey, William
- Rand, William
- Rastell, J.
- Ratcliffe, Thomas
- Raworth, John
- Raworth, R.
- Raynalde, Thomas
- Read, Alexander
- Read, John
- Read, R.
- Record, Robert
- Redman, Elizabeth
- Redman, Robert
- Redmer, Richard
- Reid, John
- Remmelin, Johann
- Renou, Jean de
- Reynolds, Rowland
- Rhodes, Henry
- Rhodokanakēs, Kōnstantinos
- Richardson, Edmund
- Richardson, John
- Richardson, J.
- Richardson, Robert
- Riolan, Jean
- Rivers
- Rivière, Lazare
- Roberdes, John
- Roberts, James
- Roberts, J.
- Roberts, Robert
- Robinson, George
- Robinson, G.
- Robinson, Robert
- Robinson, R.
- Rogers, Timothy
- Rolls, Nathaniel
- Rondelet, Guillaume
- Rookes, Thomas
- Rooks, M.
- Rooks, Thomas
- Roper, Abel
- Rose, George
- Rosslin, Eucharius
- Ross, Alexander
- Rotheram, R.
- Rowland, William
- Rowzee, Lodwick
- Royal College of Physicians of London
- Royal College of Surgeons of England
- Royston, John
- Royston, Richard
- Rueff, Jakob
- Rumsey, Walter
- Ruscelli, Girolamo
- Russell, John
- Russell, Richard
- Russel, Eliz
- Russel, Thomas
- Russel, William
- Ruthven, Patrick
- Ryder, Hugh
- R., B.
- R., C.
- R., I.
- R., J.
- R., M.
- R., R.
- R., S.
- R., T.
- R., W.
- Sadler, John
- Sadler, Theo.
- Saffold, Thomas
- Saint German, Charles de
- Sala, Angelo
- Salisbury, John
- Salmon, Thomas
- Salmon, William
- Salusbury, John
- Salusbury, Thomas
- Santorio, Santorio
- Saunders, Richard
- Sawbridge, George
- Sawbridge, Hannah
- Sawbridge, Thomas
- Saxo-Bosco, D. de
- Saywell, John
- Scarlet, T.
- Schilander, Cornelius
- Schröder, Johann
- Schroeder, John
- Scotland. Privy Council
- Scot, John
- Scougall, J.
- Scultetus, Johannes
- Seabrooke, Richard
- Securis, John
- See, Thomas
- Sennert, Daniel
- Seres, William
- Sermon, William
- Seyle, H.
- Sharp, Jane
- Sheares junior, William
- Sheares, William
- Shears Junior, William
- Shears, Margaret
- Shears, William
- Sheldrake, John
- Shelmerdine, John
- Sherley, John
- Sherley, Thomas
- Sherwood, Thomas
- Shirley, Benjamin
- Shirley, John
- Short, E.
- Short, James
- Short, Peter
- Short, P.
- Shove, Benjamin
- Shrowsbury, William
- Simmes, Valentine
- Simmons, M.
- Simmons, Thomas
- Simotta, George
- Simpson, William
- Simson, Gabriel
- Sims, Valentine
- Singleton, H.
- Skeyne, Gilbert
- Skinner
- Skinner, John
- Slater, T.
- Smethwick, J.
- Smith, Fran.
- Smith, James
- Smith, John
- Smith, Richard
- Smith, Samuel
- Smith, S.
- Smit, Hans
- Smyth
- Snodham, Thomas
- Snodham, T.
- Socburgh, Willemina Sasbout van
- Souburg, Abraham
- Sowerby, Leonard
- Sowle, Andrew
- Sowle, Tace
- Spackman, Thomas
- Sparke Jr, M.
- Sparke, Michael
- Spark, Michael
- Speed, M.
- Speed, Samuel
- Speed, Thomas
- Spenser, Benjamin
- Spinke, John
- Spire, John
- Spon, Issac
- Spooner, Hughe
- Sprackling, Robert
- Sprat, John
- Sprint, J.
- Sprint, Samuel
- Sprint, S.
- Stafford, J.
- Stafford, Simon
- Stafford, S.
- Staines, William
- Stanhope, Michael
- Stansby, William
- Starkey, George
- Starkey, John
- Steer, John
- Stephens, Philemon
- Stoughten, Robert
- Strangehopes, Samuel
- Streater, Aaron
- Streater, John
- Stringer, Moses
- Stubbe, Henry
- St. Bartholomew's Hospital
- Sudell, Nicholas
- Suintoun, George
- Surphlet, Richard
- Sutton, Henry
- Sweeting, John
- Swintoun, George
- Sydenham, Thomas
- S., J.
- S., L.
- S., M.
- S., W.
- Tab, H.
- Tachenius, Otto
- Talbor, Robert
- Tanner, John
- Tauvry, Daniel
- Taylor, John
- Taylor, J.
- Taylor, Randal
- Taylor, Thomas
- Terne, Christopher
- Terrewest, William
- Thacher, Thomas
- Thackeray, William
- Thackeray, W.
- Thayre, Thomas
- The booksellers
- Thomas
- Thomas, Edward
- Thompson, James
- Thompson, Nathaniel
- Thompson, S.
- Thomson, George
- Thomson, Samuel
- Thornton, Robert
- Thrale, Ben.
- Thrale, Richard
- Thrasher, William
- Tidmarsh, Samuel
- Tilborgh, James
- Tilburg, Cornelius
- Tilletson, Wylliam
- Tobin, Maurice
- Tolet, Francois
- Tomlinson, Richard
- Tomlins, Richard
- Tonstall, George
- Tooke, Benjamin
- Tooke, B.
- Took, B.
- Tottell, R.
- Tottyl, Richard
- Toye, Robert
- Tracy, Ebenezer
- Tracy, Eben.
- Traheron, Bartholomew
- Trapham, Thomas
- Treveris, Peter
- Trigg, William
- Trundle, I.
- Trundle, John
- Trye, Mary
- Tryon, Thomas
- Turner, Daniel
- Turner, John
- Turner, Peter
- Turner, Robert
- Turner, William
- Turner, W.
- Tuthill, Francis
- Twiford, H.
- Twyford, Henry
- Twyford, Timothy
- Twyne, Thomas
- Twysden, John
- Tyler, Evan
- Tyler, Randolph
- Tymme, Thomas
- Tyson, Edward
- Tyton, Francis
- Tyus, Charls
- Tyus, S.
- T. N.
- T., A.
- T., J.
- T., N.
- T., R.
- T., W.
- Valentinus, Basilius
- Vallange, John
- Vanforce
- van der Heyden, Hermann
- van Forrest, Pieter
- van Neurenburg, Frederick
- Vasseus, Johannes
- Vaughan, Henry
- Vaughan, William
- Vautroullier, Thomas
- Veale, Abraham
- Vele, A.
- Venner, Tobias
- Vere, Thomas
- Vernantes, Sieur de
- Vesalius, Andreas
- Vesling, Johann
- Vicary, Thomas
- Vigo, Giovanni da
- Vincent, George
- von Erich, Johann
- von Hutten, Ulrich
- V., J.
- Wadham, William
- Wadsworth, James
- Waldegrave, Robert
- Waley, John
- Walford, Benjamin
- Walford, B.
- Walker, Isaac
- Walley, Henry
- Walley, Robert
- Wallis, E.
- Wallis, J.
- Wally, John
- Wall, W.
- Walwyn, William
- Wardlaw, James
- Ward,William
- Ward, Roger
- Ward, William
- Waring, H. Needham
- Warren, T.
- Wasse, James
- Waterson, Simon
- Wateson, George
- Watkins, Richard
- Watkins, Zach.
- Watson, James
- Waylande, John
- Weaver, Edmund
- Wecker, Johann Jacob
- Wedel, Georg Wolfgang
- Welles, Benjamin
- Wellington, Richard
- Wellington, R.
- Westbrook, Richard
- Westmacott, William
- Westwood, Anthony
- Wharton, Thomas
- Whitakers, Richard
- Whitaker, Richard
- Whitaker, Tobias
- Whitchurch, Edward
- White, Edward
- White, I.
- White, John
- White, Laurance
- White, L.
- White, M.
- White, R.
- White, William
- White, W.
- Whitlock, E.
- Whitlock, J.
- Whitmore, Humphrey
- Whittaker, Thomas
- Whittington, G.
- Whittlesey, Thomas
- Whitwood, William
- Whytchurch, Edward
- Widdowes, C.
- Widdowes, G.
- Wight, John
- Wight, Thomas
- Wilde, Richard
- Wilkinson, Christopher
- Wilkins, Jeremiah
- Wilkin, Richard
- William
- Williamson, Anthony
- Williamson, W.
- Williams, Francis
- Williams, John
- Williams, Ralph
- Williams, Thomas
- Williams, William
- Williard, Doctor
- Willis, Thomas
- Willis, William
- Wilson, Edward
- Wilson, George
- Wilson, William
- Winder, George
- Windet, John
- Windet, J.
- Wingfield, Henry
- Wingfield, John
- Winstanley, William
- Winston, Thomas
- Winter Junior, Salvator
- Winter, J.
- Winter, Salvator
- Wirsung, Christoph
- Wiseman, Richard
- Witherden, Thomas
- Witherley, Thomas
- Withers, Fabian
- Wither, Fabian
- Wittie, Robert
- Wolfe, J.
- Wolfe, Reginalde
- Wolfe, Reynold
- Wolsterstan, Stanford
- Wolveridge, James
- Woodall, John
- Woodward, Daniel
- Wood, Owen
- Wood, Ralph
- Woofe, John
- Woolley, Hannah
- Wotton, M.
- Wreittoun, John
- Wright, Andrew
- Wright, John
- Wright, J.
- Wright, M.
- Wright, Wiliam
- Würtz, Felix
- Wyat, John
- Wyer, E.
- Wyer, Robert
- Wynell, John
- W., B.
- W., F.
- W., G.
- W., I.
- W., J.
- W., R.
- W., S.
- W., T.
- W., W.