The gentlewoman that lived in Red-Lyon-Court, is removed
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: gentlewoman
Title: The gentlewoman that lived in Red-Lyon-Court, is removed to Racket Court, near Fleet-bridge, the third door on the right-hand. Who hath a most excellent wash to beautifie the face, as many of the greatest quality can testify[:] its virtue is to take out all manner of wrinckles, freckles, pimples, redness, morphew, sun-burn, yellowness, or any other accident, caused [t]oo often by mercurial poysonous washes: ...
Short Title: The gentlewoman that lived in Red-Lyon-Court, is removed
Imprint: [London : s.n., 1690?]
Date: 1690
First Edition: v
Pages: 1
Format: 2
Genre: advert
Topic: practitioner, promotional