The antidotharius

Author: [author not specified] Person page
Author Occupation: none
Printer: Wyer, Robert   Person page
Title: The antidotharius, in the whiche thou mayst learne howe thou shalte make many, and dyuers noble playsters, salues, oyntement, powders, bawmes, oyles, and wou[n]de drynkes, the whiche be very necessary, and behouefull, vtyle, and profytable, for euery surgyan, therin to b experte, and redy at all tymes of nede.
Short Title: The antidotharius
Imprint: [London : Imprynted by me Robert Wyer, dwellyng at the sygne of saynt Ioh[an Euangelyst, in saynt Martyns parysshe: besyde Charynge Crosse
Date: 1542
First Edition: n
Pages: 40
Format: 8
Genre: recipe
Topic: remedies, multiple
Place of: Printer    Place: at the [sy]gne of S. IohnĚ„ Euangelyst, by s. Martyns parysshe in the felde besyde the Duke of Suffolkes place, at Charynge Crosse,, London