John Case an approved English spagyrick physician
Author: [author not specified] Person pageAuthor Occupation: physician
Author Occupation: alchemist or chemist
Title: John Case an approved English spagyrick physician. Who for a considerable time past, hath published the bills of the late Dr. Saffold, without any alteration, except that of his name, and by reason of the unjust censures of some ill-affected persons, is hereby forced to le the world know, that in the year 1672. he was admitted an approved practitioner in that famovs science of physick, so deservedly honoured in all other countreys; and that for many years, both before and since has been an industrious inquirer into the secrets of the spagyrick or chymical art;...
Short Title: John Case an approved English spagyrick physician
Imprint: [London : s.n., 1695?]
Date: 1695
First Edition: y
Pages: 1
Format: 4
Genre: controversy
Topic: practitioner, promotional