Project Leads

Mary Fissell
Johns Hopkins University

elaine long

Elaine Leong
University College London

Design and development provided by the Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries

library logo

Layout and Design:
Jessica Keyes, User Experience Analyst

Programming and Hosting:
Mark Cyzyk, Senior Software Engineer

Additional support provided by the Max Planck Institute

anatomical drawing of two arms

Robert Casties
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science

Student Assistants, 2022-2024

illustration of a demon
  • Katia Eichberg (University College London)
  • Nader Najjar (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Petra Sikic (University College London)
  • SJ Zanolini (Johns Hopkins University)

Advisory Board

illustration of an apothcary
  • Kathleen Crowther (History of Science, University of Oklahoma)
  • Frances Dolan (English, University of California, Davis)
  • Mary Floyd-Wilson (English, University of North Carolina)
  • Melissa Grafe (History of Medicine, Yale University)
  • Jennifer Hellwarth (English, Allegheny College)
  • Hillary Nunn (English, University of Akron)
  • Lisa Smith (History, University of Essex)
  • Olivia Weisser (History, University of Massachusetts, Boston)
  • Elizabeth Yale (History, University of Iowa)

Past Project Members

illustration of a person working over a giant barrel
  • Philippa Carter (University of Cambridge)
  • Emily J. Clark (Johns Hopkins University)
  • Daniel Glombitza (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
  • Grant Guttmann (University College London)
  • Florian Kräutli (Max Planck Institute for the History of Science)
  • Ella Mints (Wellesley College)
  • Eleanor Murphy-Weise (Wellesley College)
  • Tillmann Taape (Columbia University)